Here’s Birdman’s story.

Birdman began his agri/cultural journey three decades ago when, at the age of 15, he began to pursue what has become a lifelong journey into the creative culinary arts. After growing up in the New York City area and graduating from Hyde Park, NY’s Culinary Institute of America (CIA), Birdman spent his twenties traveling around the world – North America, Europe, and Africa – learning how different cultures use food spaces to survive and thrive. Returning to central Vermont’s Green Mountains, Birdman sunk his roots deep into local soil – running his own restaurant, managing a central Vermont abattoir, and roasting small batch coffee – all the while deepening his appreciation for the unique multi-sensory power of local food and the importance of small-batch food artisans in shaping local communities.

Currently, Birdman lives and works in the mountains of Braintree, Vermont, on a five-acre property at 1,000 feet of elevation – a unique micro-climate producing its own terroir (“taste of place”). Beginning in 2008, Birdman began his professional patient/caregiver relationship with one individual, using medical cannabis through the auspices of the Vermont cannabis registry. When Vermont passed landmark legislation legalizing the personal grow and use of cannabis on July 1, 2018, Birdman moved to expand his patient care work to include more than two dozen custom care patient/clients, and is now designing value-added CBD and cannabis products to meet the personal health care needs of each individual with whom he works.

Birdman is also developing partnerships to expand patient care and consulting services for 2019 and beyond, currently working with Sweet Fern Farm, Moving Mud Farm, Pro Verde Labs; Apex Co2 extractors; and Heidolph equipment.

Interested in learning more about Birdman’s work?

Contact Birdman: [email protected] or telephone # 802.371.7668.

A Flight Above